Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I've Got An Itch To Scratch

Lately, Gavin has randomly been caught doing some pretty unusual things.  Sometimes he is singing to himself, making odd faces in the mirror when he thinks no one is looking, rolling his eyes as I watch him in the rear view mirror (not one of my faves might I add), etc. 

Unlike most adults, and probably children, my son does not seem at all inhibited by any sort of private business.  For example, he has no qualms about running about naked through the house singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" or burping or....
                              scratching his butt in public.

Okay, gross.  When caught the other day, I assumed that it wouldn't be "my" son that would do such a thing.  So, I asked Gavin to stop and had him come close so that I could ask to be sure.  Just to be funny I pinched his tooshie cheeks and said, "were you just scratching here?" (Hoping it was the meaty part of the bum, not anything else...praying my eyes had deceived me) 

"No Mama, it was the middle."  Really gross! Especially when he, at that very moment, decides to lay his hands on me.  If he does this with everyone around, what does he do when no one is looking? 

Good question.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Let's Be A Princess!

Yesterday, Sophia and I decided to go meet up with Grammy and our dear friends at the Beauty and the Beast 3D movie.  So got all dressed up in her princess dress, tiara, sparkle purse and her "toothbrush" (this was her hairbrush...she gets confused).  Here are a few pics of our experience.  We had so much fun!!!

It's a plane! No, it's a pterodactyl! No...it's a crow.

The kids and I were on our way to an appointment today and we passed a yard with 3 large crows.  Gavin begins to scream out, "Mama, a pterodactyl!" "No, Gavin...it's a crow." 

Talk about laughing hysterically.  He chuckled and then said, "I really thought it was a pterodactyl Mama.  Maybe it could have been a pteranodon."  Laughing even more. "No honey.  It was just a crow." (it's the same thing)

He really does make my heart smile. 
 Does Not Equal