Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What's My Belly Saying?

Each night, before bed, Gavin requests that I put my head to his belly and listen to what it has to say.  "What's my belly saying Mama?" It all began about 8 months ago when Todd and I were trying to get Gavin to have bowel movements, insisting that his belly wanted to be rid of all of that yuckiness.  Your belly said, "you need to make a poo-poo tomorrow."  He always listened to what his belly had to say. 

After a while, I thought it would be clever to make his belly crave foods that Gavin would never eat, broccoli, spinach, and anything he wouldn't just try on his own.  Every night, belly would speak, through us, dancing over his recent poo poo or singing songs about requested veggies.  Sometimes he is happy...if he receives all of his wishes (a.k.a. Mama or Dada are happy with the day) and sometimes he is sad...when he doesn't.  Gavin is always curious as to whether his belly is satisfied.

Cheers to you belly! You have kept our household sane and progressive. We hope you get better soon as your new story will be that you are sick and coughing due to Gavin's constant fingers in his mouth...let's hope this story sticks!

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