For the past year, it seems as though Sophia has turned into a copycat version of Gavin in almost every way. He says something, she mimics it like a parrot. It seems never-ending...right down to the toilet. He takes a long time, she takes a long time. We praise him for going #2, we'd better praise her, because she'll make it a point to tell you she deserves it.
More recently, Sophia has taken up to checking out her "product." She'll analyze it and give you the run down on shape, color and density. Sometimes I think she might be a nurse or on an ER clean up crew or something. Nothing phases her and she wants the world to know her talent as she'll yell it across the house, well...maybe even the neighbors can hear all the details at this point.
Obviously I'm not going to put a picture of the real deal, but here is her latest and greatest...snowman poo. She believes herself to be an toilet acrobat of sorts as she is able to balance poo in order to create a snowman-like effect and be very proud.
After learning this about our family, do you wonder what kind of craziness happens that I don't post about? There isn't much, but it does make me a little worried at times. Should I consider this a talent? Is she a budding artist waiting to break through? Or is she just a little silly? Maybe all three. This kind of stuff keeps us laughing though and it's another memory I just don't want to forget.